My Resume
IT authoring experience
Consultancy reports
Project reports
User guides
Bids, ITTs and SORs
Training guides and FAQs
Loose leaf & online – lead for Croner’s/Walters Kluwer Management Computing for 15+ years
Freelance - the leading business contributor during the 80’s and 90’s
Business Computing and Communications - IT management features 10+ years
PC Business World – features and readers agony column (uncleeric@hotmail.com) 10+ years
Which Computing – features and comparative software reviews
Micro Decision - features
Computer Answers - features
Newspapers plus Radio and TV broadcasts
General authoring experience
Scuba World - equipment reviews and features 10+ years
IT applications skills
All the mainstream OA apps
SharePoint - expert in OOTB solutions
Document repositories including metadata
Workflow – Microsoft Flow and Nintex
PMO systems and document sets
Cloud suites
Office 365
G Suite
Others – skilled in most of the mainstream corporate applications
Time recording
Project management
Agenda/Meetings management